Welcome to the Automatic Detection challenge on Age-related Macular degeneration! ADAM is organized as a half day Challenge, a Satellite Event of the ISBI 2020 conference in Iowa City, Iowa, USA.

The ADAM challenge focuses on the investigation and development of algorithms associated with the diagnosis of Age-related Macular degeneration (AMD) and segmentation of lesions in fundus photos from AMD patients. The goal of the challenge is to evaluate and compare automated algorithms for the detection of AMD on a common dataset of retinal fundus images. We invite the medical image analysis community to participate by developing and testing existing and novel automated fundus classification and segmentation methods.

The ADAM challenge has 4 tasks:

Task 1: Classification of AMD and non-AMD fundus images.

Task 2: Detection and segmentation of optic disc.

Task 3: Localization of fovea.

Task 4: Detection and Segmentation of lesions from fundus images.

Thanks for your interest and patience. ADAM challenge, as a part of the serial challenge iChallenge, has opened to the public since 2018. 

Please don't mind if your participation request is not approved on this platform, we will batch process the request before data releasing.


  • 20 Oct 2018: Training images and annotations are released.
  • 04 Feb 2020: Off-site validation set is released.
  • 10 Feb 2020: The Submission and Evaluation OPEN. The leaderboard will be updated at 7 pm (PST) every day. You are only allowed to submit results twice a day. The leaderboard is based on the latest submission and previous results on the leaderboard will be covered by the latest submission. The submission rule details are shown at website: https://amd.grand-challenge.org/Details/.
  • 25 Feb 2020: ADAM paper Submission system (CMT platform) opens.                                                            Please Submit your Technical Report (i.e. Paper) (with full author list, i.e. names of all team members) together with the ISBI-ADAM Registration Confirmation of a team member to this platform ASAP. There is not a specific format for the technical report, but you can refer to some conference or journal format template.  IF an invitation letter from ADAM is especially needed for your participation of ADAM on-site challenge, the acceptance/invitation letter will be issued through the CMT system.  

To participate in the on-site ADAM challenge, a team should satisfy the following criteria:

1. Any team meets all the following requirement before the deadline (Mar 15), is accepted to attend the onsite challenge @ISBI conference, Lowa, USA on Apr 03:

a) register your team via the CMT paper submission system (https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ADAM2020/), a team may have only one member for the registration of ADAM CMT system;

b) obtain a non-zero score on the leaderboards (opened on Feb 10, 2020);

c) submit a self-contained and reasonable technical report via the CMT system (opened on Feb 25, 2020);

d) send a confirmation email of attendance to the organizers confirm your attendance of onsite participation in the CMT system together with the (pre-)camera ready submission or even from the beginning of your team registration;

e) VISA and INVITATION LETTER: please pay the registration fee to ISBI for the challenge day of Apr 03, 2020,  and then send an invitation letter request to ISBI registration service agent if you need one for VISA application.

2. The final score = 0.2 * validation/offsite_socre + 0.8*test/online and onsite_score

3. Awards will be provided by ADAM organizer for the onsite ADAM challenge.

  • 05 Mar 2020: The finals will be held as online and onsite at the same time. Timeline is adjusted.
  • 15 Mar 2020: Off-site evaluation is closed. The latest submission will be evaluated to freeze the leaderboard. Only the participants with CMT registration and technical report will be admitted for the semi-final leaderboard.

a) Please register  in the CMT and submit the technical paper before CMT deadline (18 Mar);

b) The overall final score = 0.2 * validation_score + 0.8 * test_score (validation_score is the score on Semi-final leaderboard (20 Mar));

c) 5000USD will be provided for the ADAM challenge.

d) Recent timeline:

15 Mar 2020: Off-site evaluation is closed.

16 Mar 2020: Off-site leaderboard PUBLISHED

18 Mar 2020: Camera-ready paper SUBMISSION deadline (CMT).

20 Mar 2020: Semi-final leaderboard PUBLISHED

e) Notice of ISBI conference: ISBI 2020 goes online as a virtual conference, ADAM challenge will be held online as per scheduled.

  • 20 Mar 2020: Semi-final leaderboard PUBLISHED. If you have questions about this leaderboard, please contact us. Attention: Teams not participating in all tasks will not be counted in the overall leaderboard. The overall leaderboard is calculated based on the sub-leaderboard with removal of teams not participating in all tasks.
  • 03 Apr 2020: ADAM Finals----Live and Online.

Please do log in the CMT system to register your team before the deadline on Mar18, to make your results effective. Thank you for the support and wish you good luck. 

How to Participate?

If you want to participate in the challenge, you can register at the website, download the training and test data, submit the results, provided you agree with the rules of the challenge.

Please contact the organizers if you have any questions. 

Related RULES are copied as below for your reference.

  • Anonymous registration is NOT allowed. All information entered when registering a team, including the (TRUE) Name of the contact person, the Affiliation (including department, full name of university/institute/company, country) and the E-mail address must be COMPLETE and CORRECT. The abbreviation is not allowed.
  • Incomplete registrations will be removed without notice.
  • Redundant registrations will be removed without notice.

Important Dates

20 Oct 2018: Training images and annotations are released.

03 04 Feb 2020: Off-site validation set is released.

07 10 Feb 2020: Online benchmarking is open and semi-final leaderboard will be PUBLISHED.

15 20 25 Feb 2020: Paper SUBMISSION system opens.

  • This is to issue the invitation letters to whom needs an invitation for travel approval.

25 Feb 05 15 Mar 2020: Off-site evaluation is closed.

28 Feb 08 16 Mar 2020: Off-site leaderboard PUBLISHED and the best teams (with paper submitted) INVITED for the on-site ADAM

18 Mar 2020: Camera-ready paper SUBMISSION deadline.

03 Apr 2020: On-site ADAM (a half day) at ISBI 2020.